Islam is the Seventh Kingdom of the Beast of Revelation
There is a supernatural hatred of Israel, the God of Israel, and the Church and the Lord Jesus Christ which the head of the Church and everything that has to do with biblical morality. Even democracy is hated because it gives people the right to worship God and follow the commandments of God. The hatred of Islam for the peoples of God was prophesied in the Book of Revelation and it has happened in the past and is happening today. We should not be taken by surprise. This hatred for the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will continue and will manifest itself as the beast which is the final version of the Kingdom of Darkness until Jesus returns at the Second Coming.
There is a seven headed beast with ten horns in the book of Revelation and it is alive and well and is being manifested in the earth today. Revelation 17:8 The beast that you saw was (meaning it was before this vision of John) and is not (it is not the final manifestation of the beast) and will ascend out of the bottomless pit (the abyss—the final beast that is manifested will be empowered with the forces of darkness from the pit) and will go to perdition (destruction). Rev 17:10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen (1—Egypt; 2—Assyria; 3—Babylon; 4—Medo-Persia; 5—Greece;) one is (6—Rome;) and the other has not yet come, (7—Islam;). These seven kingdoms were all involved in destruction and captivity of God’s chosen people, Israel. Rev 17:11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, (The final manifestation of the beast receives supernatural power from the pit and is made up of ten horns.) Verse 12 says that there are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but will reign for one hour as kings with the beast. The ten kings will give their power and authority to the beast—Vs 13. These ten kings are the most powerful and richest people of the earth and their religious woke system of belief will be propagated throughout the earth which is the worship of the resurrected gods of Babylon. Molech and Baal which is child sacrifice; which includes abortion and the brainwashing of our children to hate God, the Bible, and anything do with biblical morality. The god of Ishtar which includes sexual immorality, redefining marriage, homosexuality and lesbianism, transgenderism, and all kinds of sexual perversion and identifying yourself as other than what God created you to be. The god of Baal will be worshipped which includes the worship of creation and the creatures of the earth more than the worship of God. Climate change worship is part of these false gods. Rev 17:14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them. For He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.
Though there will be a supernatural hatred for all that is righteous and good, but in the end we will win because the Lamb will come in power and great glory and defeat all His enemies. If you are looking for a Church that will stand up for the Word of God and the righteous of God that comes through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary, then come and join us and be a part of the last day remnant Church.
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